14th Ed Leadership International Roundtable
8-11 March, 2022
Imagine Learning
Share Best and Next Practices by bringing worldwide expertise to share their processes, methods and techniques that bring out the best in every child in both academic and human terms.
Create a platform to bring about widespread reform through encouraging the implementation of any and all new and innovation ideas.
Influence Policy to create an enabling environment for a more meaningful, broader and bolder education that nurtures the self-confidence of every child and treats every child as special.
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Our Philosophy: A new education model
EdWW believes that education in the 21st century needs to be radically different from the conservative and obsolete models of education we have become used to. In this new model, called the Global Education Model of Schooling (GEMS), universal values are embedded in the framework of education itself. Becoming "good" or virtuous is given more importance than becoming "smart" or competent, though both are considered important aspects of education in the present times.
Ed Leadership Conferences
Each year, Ed Leadership brings together worldwide experts to share their success stories and engage in conversations that lead to change. Each roundtable since January 2008 has focused on creating an effective engagement between education leaders and experts from across the world.
The discussions that take place at Ed Leadership are some of the most important discussions that are taking place across the globe. Ed Leadership raises the profile of our own thinking on education and at the same time provides opportunity to learn from the best performing countries of the world. Hear from individuals who have been leading change in their own countries. Together, we can!
Ed Leadership You Are Invited!
Click here for visitBackground to Education We Want
The Educational Leadership Initiatives began with GlobalTIE: Global Trends and Innovations in Education in 2006, then with Ed Leadership Roundtables from 2008 to 2014 (www.edleader.in).
While the world has changed vastly in the last 100 years, education has remained largely confined to its 19th century material ethics and limited agendas. What will education be like in the future? What do experiments and evidence show from other countries as to what has worked well in education?
We have invited world’s top performing countries in TIMSS and PISA international comparisons to share their research and findings based on practical work in their own countries.
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Click hereA non-profit movement of Global Classroom Pvt. Ltd.
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